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Psychic Self Defense for Home and Office by Master Choa Kok Sui

Psychic Self Defense for Home and Office by Master Choa Kok Sui - Pranic Lifestyle

Psychic Self Defense for Home and Office by Master Choa Kok Sui


Practical Psychic Self Defense For Home and Office By Master Choa Kok Sui

Practical Psychic Self Defense For Home and Office by Master Choa Kok Sui details techniques for use against negative energies, negative thought forms, protection for practitioners who work with energy, protection against psychic attacks. 

There are shielding techniques and remedies taught for every imaginable situation.

Practical Psychic Self Defense For Home and Office By Master Choa Kok Sui teaches several ways to shield one's self from projected negative thoughts and psychic contamination such as fashioning and strengthening the human aura; removing negative energies and vibrations from psychically dirty places; taking corrective actions when a person has been psychically penetrated

After reading Practical Psychic Self Defense For Home and Office By Master Choa Kok Sui you will quickly be able to create energy shields for yourself and family.

If you are one of those people that hates being around large crowds because you are so sensitive to energy, this is an important technique which can in essence give your social freedom back to you..

Many People who want to protect themselves from negative influences from others and their environments suffer from the idea that Even though its not true, many people believe they don't need to shield them selves and loved ones..

But nothing could be further from the truth.

And if you're Block out the noise of the world when you shield you aura using these simple. yet extremely powerful Psychic Self Defense techniques.... then THIS is exactly what you're looking for.

This book teaches several ways to shield one's self from projected negative thoughts and psychic contamination such as fashioning and strengthening the human aura; removing negative energies and vibrations from psychically dirty places; taking corrective actions when a person has been psychically penetrated; and other never before known techniques.!

"This book offers simple, effective, and practical remedies to psychic problems encountered by most people." makes it simple for you to:

> Everything you need to know about the methods, motives, and physical aspects of a psychic attack and how to overcome it is here, along with a look at the role psychic elements play in mental illness and how to recognize them....

> When you create such a shield, a magical thing happens: You find that you generally become a happier, more trusting and confident person, while the negative people, energy vampires and emotional train wrecks, simply CANNOT relate to you anymore. 

So they stop draining you and go elsewhere....

> Crossing your arms and legs can also be very protective. These body positions act to close off the human energy circuits and also protect various chakra (energy) points – depending on where the arms are crossed....

> The next time you are around someone that seems to be pulling at your energy or spewing a bunch of negativity, sit down calmly, cross your arms and legs, and listen. 

Their energy won’t be affecting you and eventually they’ll get tired or drained (as they aren’t getting any of your energy and they are using up their own supply) and then just leave you alone for the rest of the day....

> Learn powerful shielding techniques for your entire house, office and business....

... and much, MUCH more!

And what makes this even better?

Now you never have to worry about Making energy shields is hard, and take s alot of time. again!

Which also means you're not stuck feeling like When people see your picture, and those you post of your projects and family on Social Media they may hurl Psychic Attacks to you, and loved ones.

"This book offers simple, effective, and practical remedies to psychic problems encountered by most people." 

After reading this book you will quickly be able to create energy shields for yourself and family. and it costs Become more productive at home and at work, by shielding yourself, family, home, and office with energy techniques..

So again, if you block out the noise of the world when you shield you aura using these simple. yet extremely powerful Psychic Self Defense techniques., understand this:

> After practicing these shielding techniques you will instantly feel the difference of being shielded and not being shielded....

> Build energy shields for your children and loved ones...

> This book will change the way you see the world...

Practical Psychic Self Defense For Home and Office By Master Choa Kok Sui

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